
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The last of the Aryans- a new tourist attraction

Once in a while you come across truly bizarre reports. Here is one about women searching for pure Aryan seed so that they can have children that belong to the 'Master race." And where has their search led them- to some Indian villages- Dha, Hanu, Darchik, Garkon and other closeby villages in Kargil district in the Himalayas ! 

In 2007, filmmaker Sanjeev Sivan released his documentary Achtung Baby: In Search of Purity on the phenomenon of German women travelling to Indian villages by the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir to get impregnated by men they believe to be racially pure Aryans. These villages are inhabited by a tribe called Brokpas, who are rumoured to be the ‘last pure specimens’ of the Aryan race. While Brokpa folklore says that the community arrived here from Gilgit in Pakistan just across the LoC, there is a view that they are actually descendants of Alexander the Great’s army, whose Genghis Khan-like sexual profligacy is a matter of legend.

Now lore has it that Aryans as the ‘Master Race were all tall, blue-eyed blondes endowed with superior intelligence and values. But one of the sperm donors mentions that though the women were looking for "tall people with long noses", he was short, without a big nose and pudgy! Nevertheless he was in Leh on assignment with a German woman to give her an Aryan child with racially superior intelligence.

In their search for a Master Race, pregnancy tourists and other curious visitors from all over the world have given the Brokpa not only a great boost to their self-esteem but also a new economic boom in the sale of sperm!

Here is a summary that is quite hilarious unintenationally-

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