
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer holiday 1

Summer holiday

Readers of my columns would have missed my presence for the last four weeks. At least I hope so. As imentioned a few seeks ago I was taking a break to visit my home country to spend time with my twenty month old grandson, take over my rebuilt house from the builder and meeting family and friend. But this brief interlude turned out to be both joyful and enlightening- more so than I had expected.

Of these the first was an unmitigated joy. Seven years ago when my doctors had subtly suggested that I " get my affair in order "', I had in a short space of three months sold my two cars, bought one that my wife felt comfortable driving , sold my sprawling house and bought an apartment, Put my financial affairs in order, written my will, i felt I was ready. But then came my grandson and turned my life upside down. Now I was desperate for any cure that would prolong the time I had with him! So this part of the visit was indeed satisfying. even in the month we were there nikhil grew by leaps and bounds and expanded his vocabulary by over 100 words- he now recognized computer, umbrella, rain, and was confidently putting expressions together- like spicy nice for a plate of and telling his father " I think so" and"mama out market". Dada and dadi were his biggest suckers - all he had to say was "please" and " thank you". He used the ipad like a pro and the computer was no challenge either.remote controlled cars and trucks were a particular joy. It was great to see my son gently disciplining him when he became too rambunctious - my son would tuck him up in his arms to be carried to a silent corner for few minutes. "Time out". En route my grandson would plaintively say " no need, no need" as if he understood the reason for the punishment and would not do it again.

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