
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pundits to live by....

Life has become complicated. Newspapers are full of economic disasters and political battles that never seem to end. Commentators of every hue and shade have an opinion that they want to thrust down your throat. But alas there is too much noise, too little sense; too much posturing, too little logic or reason. And the confusion becomes worse confounded with the number of newspapers and new channels and bloggers all vying for your attention. In these times, more than ever, you need a guide, perhaps a pundit to steer you on. A pundit whose logic and sagacity you can count on even if you dont agree with him; one whose moral integrity is not for sale to the highest bidder or the latest political fervour. So I started sifting the pundits of the day and here is my list......

Paul Krugman, David Brooks, George Will,Andrew Sullivan,Tom Friedman,Frank Rich,Joe Klein,Fareed Zakaria, Racheal Maddows, Arianna Huffington....

On reflection, I note that of the list, only half are columnists, two are primarily bloggers and two spend more time on their tv shows. And they comment primarily on the US scene. What about the Indian scene ? Who are the pundits that we can rely on for at least speech that has coherence, logic and integrity ??

1 comment:

  1. On the Indian scene, look for the following

    swaminathan aiyar
    Gurcharan das
    shekhar gupta
