
Monday, January 12, 2009

Books of 2008

Some years ago, I was watching an interview with an elderly chinese gentleman who was browsing in a bookstore. He was asked what book was he looking for. His reply " I want an interesting book on a subject I know nothing about" stuck in my mind. From the year 2000, I determined to read at least one book every month on a subject I knew nothing about- a practice I have continued to this day.

Here are my books for the year 2008:

The Audacity of Hope... Barak Obama
Hot, Flat and Crowded... Tom Friedman
The Tipping Point... Malcom Gladwell
E=MC2.... David Bodaniss
The Code Book.... Simon Singh
India after Gandhi.... Ram Chandra Guha
The Case of Exploding Mangoes...
Sacred Games.... Bikram Chandra
How Doctors think...Jerome Groopman
Blood of the earth....Dilip Hiro
The way of the world... Ron Susskind
The Black Swan... Nassim Taleb

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