The phrase "Walking is man's best medicine," was allegedly spoken by Hippocrates two millennia ago and it is even more timely today. This fact is particularly true in industrialized societies where new technologies have not only changed the way we work but, even more profoundly, have also affected our life styles by reducing the physical effort of most of our daily activities.
Overweight and obesity are thus becoming more and more serious problems within societies where people would rather drive than walk. This single decline in physical exertion that day-to-day life requires, combined with excessive food consumption is a dangerous combination. With very few exceptions, all of us are victims of this deadly duo.
Still, we cannot turn back the clock or discard new technologies simply to regain the slim, supple, and fit bodies of our ancestors. However, we can use walking, not just for the utilitarian purpose of transport, but rather for pleasure and improved health by incorporating it into our daily routine. One cannot overrate the many benefits of walking since there is strong scientific evidence to support them
Walking in a city is the greatest unpriced pleasure
there is. Urban
walking with no aim but sensation—the solitary pleasures of the stroller or flâneur—is of course a recent
phenomenon, a legacy of modernity. As Frédéric Gros says in his book-length
ramble through the topic, "A Philosophy of Walking", the "urban stroller is
subversive. He subverts the crowd, the merchandise and the town, along with their
values. The walker of wide-open spaces, the trekker with his rucksack opposes
civilization with the burst of the clean break, the cutting-edge of a
But it is less a philosophy than an easy
stroll through anecdotes about various big-brained walkers. We meet the usual
suspects: Aristotle in the streets of Athens, Kant on his watch-setting daily
round in Königsberg, Nietzsche striding the hills of Europe seeking relief for
his syphilitic headaches and Proust’s wistful narrative of the Guermantes Way.
"By walking you are not going to meet yourself," Gros says in an
early chapter on the "freedoms" of perambulation. "By walking,
you escape from the very idea of identity, the temptation to be someone, to
have a name and a history. … The freedom in walking lies in not being anyone;
for the walking body has no history, it is just an eddy in the stream of
immemorial life."
with reading a novel or watching a film, walking is at best a mild form of
bracketing the burden of identity. The
country walker who breaks with civilization, perhaps seeking thereby the
sublime experience of being overawed by nature, still knows that the self can
never be left entirely behind—for that self’s desires are what brought you out
of routine actions and into the special reflective clearing of the walk.
Wherever you go, there you are.
if one were inclined to agree with Gros’s vision of aimless walking—he is also
against special shoes, clothing, and those pointed staffs that "are on
sale to give walkers the appearance of improbable skiers"—he is awfully
normative about the whole business. His demand for aimless, noncompetitive walking
is just as judgmental and insistent as any other, and may sail closer to
self-contradiction than most. You’re not doing aimlessness right! Walk this
the spiritual pilgrimage, anyone’s model of a walk meant to bring about
transformation; it is subject to all these same tangles of self and its loss. But we can never escape the conflicts of duty and
pleasure, even in faith; nor can we escape ourselves in even the most
purposeless journey. To be going nowhere in particular is still to be going.
to the point, sometimes walking is the burden, not the release. Few characters
in literature walk more than Thomas Hardy’s Tess, but she must do so from
disadvantage, not in the interests of leisure or spiritualism. The suburban
exiles who lack cars and live in districts poorly served by public transit,
doggedly covering ground to fetch groceries from the nearest strip mall, are
her modern descendants. They do not appear in Gros’s appreciation of bipedal
may be a kind of confession, a slowly moving portrait of failure, at least in
terms of the modern city’s dominant movement-values. It is not really part of
Gros’s purview—he lives in walkable Paris, after all—but we North Americans
should always remember that the encroachment on walking opportunities by the
postwar expansion of car-centric urban design is one of the signal failures of
human vision in the 20th century.
But Gros is on the side
of the angels when he notes that walking is "the best way to go more
slowly." We can move faster, for centuries by horse and more lately by
every conceivable conveyance pushed by internal combustion; but we cannot
experience ourselves and the world as fully in any other manner. The
jumbled record of sensations and ideas unique to the pace of walking is a
distinctly human pleasure. "You need to start with two legs," Gros
asserts without any irony; but he is correct. The upright posture is at once
the highest achievement of Homo sapiens, our main sensory array lifted (as
Freud notes) away from the smelly ground and into the clear air, and a constant
invitation to fall forward in the two-legged gait that we alone, among the
primates, have mastered. Walking is our thing, and because most of the human
senses are lofted high atop the five or six feet most of us enjoy, the range of
stimulus is wide. Our minds open, and we begin to ponder. We reflect or gather
wool or argue inwardly; our minds are moving just as our feet do. But what size are the thoughts of
thought has a size," Nicholson Baker writes in his essay "The Size of
Thoughts," "and most are about three feet tall, with the level of
complexity of a lawnmower engine, or a cigarette lighter, or those tubes of
toothpaste that, by mingling several hidden pastes and gels, create a
pleasantly striped product. Large thoughts, thoughts with lasting heft,
are crepuscular, complex, and slow to arrive, like "the unhasty, liquid
pace of human thinking itself. But sometimes a thought that seems smallish
and about to wrap up and stop may happen upon that loose-limbed, reckless
acceleration, wherein this very thought may shamble forward, plucking tart
berries, purchasing newspapers, and retrieving stray refuse without once
breaking stride—risking a smile, shaking the outstretched hands of young
constituents, loosening its tie! Then again, no: It was a false start, a
spurt of speed without finishing class. Thoughts fizzle just like other human
specific association of philosophy with walking is itself a middle-sized thought worth looking at a little
harder. We call Aristotle’s philosophical school Peripatetic because legend
holds that he liked to walk about as he lectured. His fondness for travel—born in Stagira, he was an outsider in Athens who ventured
away on numerous occasions, most famously to tutor the truculent Alexander the
Great—may also have been a factor. There is no internal evidence that his ideas
are rooted in walking, except in the general sense that he believed in
observation of the natural world as a prerequisite for science.
Even solitary
philosophizing may prove less amenable to the stroll than we often imagine. It
is sometimes said that it is impossible to have a real fight with someone while
walking—we need the valences of face-to-face interaction to execute the
business of emotional violence. The same may be true of genuine philosophical
argument. Of course, one can always walk away from an opponent or interlocutor,
as several vexed Athenians did when they encountered Socrates in Plato’s
dialogues, and as ordinary people do all the time. But turning one’s back, like
bursting into tears, is not an argument.
For many people, the walk or hike is less an occasion for thought than
a respite from it, sometimes a necessary venting of pent-up energy that
precisely (like much exercise) lacks the quality of thought: I walk to exhaust
stress like a vapor trail. People often rave about how much mental
stimulation they get out of walking and hiking—some even can write essays and
book chapters in their head while walking. But when I walk or hike—much as I
enjoy it—nothing happens in my head at all. I wonder if that is entirely
true—nothing at all?—but the essential point is important. Walking may
stimulate thought, just as beauty may inspire goodness, but this connection is
contingent, not necessary; there is a philosophical error lurking in any
attempt to make the link stronger than happenstance.
There is a famous image of the mind sketched in Plato’s Theaetetus. Consciousness, Socrates says, might be like a
giant aviary, with all species of birds flying in apparently random directions.
The birds represent thoughts; they are all contained by the confines of the
aviary, but it is not until one is captured that it reveals its dimensions,
coloring, and habits. Only then can we say that we are truly thinking that
thought: to have is not the same as to hold.
But the fact is that real thought ultimately requires stationary presence,
supplication almost, before the machines of thinking: tables and chairs. We
must eventually cease walking if we are truly to think.
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